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Monday, April 26, 2010

140+ Characters About: My #Twitter Experience

Hello, my name is @icpchad and I am addicted to #Twitter

I joined almost two years ago at the request of an #ATR listener @DzhaA which read: I'd like to follow you on #Twitter and I can remember thinking 'follow me where?

I knew my friend @michelemeiche, host of #Awakenings, was on #Twitter, and upon first looking at the site, I figured it must be just another place to post RSS feeds for our radio shows. So I signed up and began posting our daily #ATR shows to my profile. (originally named: AwareTalkRadio). My first thought about Twitter was: 'This is stupid.'

As I connected to and began interacting with others, I started to see that twitter was much more than just a place to post links to our radio shows. I began to see a global conversation taking place in real time on multidimensional levels between many minds.    

I was really impressed with the fact that #Twitter allowed everyone the ability to have their message heard. I began meeting and interacting with people like @Zaibatsu, @shannonseek, @Lotay @CHRISVOSS @eleesha and other now household social media names. (If you've been on #Twitter longer than 15 minutes, chances are you know these folks too.) I was equally impressed they were actually real people, and regardless of their 'Elite' status, they weren't assholes about the fact they had more reach than some TV stations, and combined, they speak daily to a personal audience that is larger than some Major Networks.

I remember thinking, 'So let me get this right, this '#Twitter' thing allows any ONE person the potential to speak their every thought to millions? - I'M IN'. And immediately introduced #ICP Authors to #Twitter as another way of sharing our work. You may have met @AnAmericanMonk, @dougieslap, @CwbyWsdm, @AntheaAppel and others in the stream.   

And I began watching how people tweeted, what they tweeted about, and how many different ways there are of using #Twitter. From the GET MORE FOLLOWERS NOW games, to professional spammers and #Bots like Brit.ney, to the ever "FAMOUS QUOTES" being auto posted faster than the speed of light by more people than stars in the sky ... I had to dig through a lot of dirt before I began to find the gold deep in the hills of #Twitter's digital landscape.

Lights of continual inspiration like @Mystical, @paulvharris@BlondeByDesign and @monaksart who daily provide waterfalls of original thought. Mental gymnasts like @crside, @LiLiacSin, and @UnseeingEyes who poetically pen their lines through the ether of tweets and out into the cosmic sea. Spiritual ninjas like @DeniseLescano, @TheEntertainer, and @Intuisdom who always make it an adventure. 

There are even a few famous people who listen to and talk with me. You know who you are and you are all stars to me, even if tomorrow Hollywood didn't exist. #justsaying 

And as I began to tweet more, and more, and then eventually a ridiculous amount more ... I began to realize a few things about #Twitter which I feel helped me get the most from it, and some of which I hope you will find useful in your daily #Twitter life:

- Never be afraid to be say it. (you're not the only one thinking it)
- The word 'Fuck' is acceptable to tweet when used in any proper context. 
- Block idiots quickly. The more mentions you give them equals more attention, which is what they want.
- RT that which you see as valuable. (this is how the cream gets to the top)
- It's not how many people follow you, it's how many respond to your tweets.
- If you want more followers, then be more interesting.
- When you are pissed off, drunk, or highly emotional ... these are great times to tweet.
- Say what you mean and mean what you say. 
- Find others with whom you resonate and [co]operate with them in mutually beneficial ways.
- Enjoy the view from each paradigm. 

Daily I continue to connect with new people who inspire me, challenge me, and help me see the world through their eyes, even if only for a brief moment in time ... and in less than 140 characters. #Gratitude for all you do and all of you are: #Stars     


Unknown said...

Great post.Thanks for sharing your experience.
I think that this is very true:
" It is not how many followers you have but how many respond to your posts"

Rock on!

Angel Singer said...

Well said! Well said indeed.

Unknown said...


This post is another reason why I follow you on Twitter, Keep the #Insights, #Musings, #Rants comin'


Mike From the Phils.

p.s. IMHO, You are a pratyekabuddha! ;)

Beth Layne said...

I, for one, am so grateful for the many beautiful connections Twitter has brought to me. I know we (you and I)first crossed paths via MySpace, but through Twitter that connection was taken to a new level for which I am deeply grateful for. Very well said, Chad...