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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hey, Obama, I Got Your Mandatory Health Care (Right Here)

Life is cumulative and what we do daily results in both our bodies and minds.

I am not a health and fitness fanatic. I'm of the opinion that you can run a marathon every day of your life, eat the best organic food, drink the purest water ... and still your body will die. But I do see value in being as capable as possible while you're alive, without relying on three handfuls of medication per day, designed to artificially do for your body what can be accomplished naturally in less than 20 mins a day.

For years, I've been doing 40 push ups every day. 20 in the morning, 20 at night. This takes a total of 2 minutes out of my day. This has nothing to do with trying to be stronger, or better defined, I do it because this exercise activates glands that excrete toxins from the body.

Recently, I began walking 1 mile a day. This takes 14 minutes.

And that's it. That's all I do. It doesn't sound like much, until you do the math:

40 push ups X 30 days = 1,200 per month.
1 mile a day X 30 days = 30 miles a month.


14,400 push ups per year.
360 miles of walking per year.

In 5 years, I will have walked 1,800 miles and did 72,000 push ups.

Life is cumulative. What did you do today?

Chad Lilly,

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