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Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Ever Changing Medium of Expression

Books were my first glimpse into the world mind, my first window into the archive of human ideas. And they were also the first place I found out I wasn't the only one thinking this stuff. That it couldn't be just me making it up, because other people, whom I had never met, were writing the same thoughts in books years before I was born. I can't begin to tell you how many great "discoveries" I considered my original finds, only later to learn some guy wrote that same thing two hundred years ago. Books showed me that 'my' ideas were neither original, nor merely a product of my imagination, they seem to filter through many minds from one source.

Music was my next teacher. Showing me more than rhythms and instruments with some lyrics sprinkled on top, it was in music that I saw how effectively a message could spread and affect the minds of millions of listeners for the rest of their lives. I also noticed the most adored songs had messages that ran deep into the human psyche, and those songs all seemed to be in tune with some universal harmony resonating with those ideas I had, and had read in so many books----those very same ideas and concepts permeated the medium of music too.

Movies made it obvious that not only could others see these same ideas and visions, which at one time I thought to be my own, but they were able to present them into a moving visual collage to show the audience a story rather than tell them. In just one scene, movies said unspeakable stories.

Writing was my first experience being able to capture these intangible ideas and visions. Where ever (and whatever) the source from which they come. While writing, it seems the world mind reads me and recites universal streams of data through my pen to leave lines I later read and find ... informative.     

Video creation now allows a massive amount of complex visual data to be presented to an audience in a matter of minutes. This rapid transmission of information allows ideas to spread faster across the world mind than most all other mediums combined.  

Chad Lilly,

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